Harrow East has been a Conservative seat for much of its history, but was taken by Labour in their two great landslides of 1945 and 1997, and in 1966.
The previous Member of Parliament was a Labour MP and Harrow East is often referred to as a 'bellwether' constituency and is a key marginal for the Conservative Party.
A Local Champion
Bob is constantly out and about in Harrow East, holding street surgeries and speaking to constituents. Bob has several surveys and ways for you to get involved, which you can do so by clicking HERE or visiting the Get Involved! tab above.
Local Schools & Youth
- Secured £millions in funding for local schools across Harrow, including Salvatorian College, Sacred Heart Language College, Stanmore College & Bentley Wood High School.
- Supporting local facilities with investment into grassroots pitches in Harrow, including the upgrades to tennis courts across Harrow.
- Every year I run a work experience programme for local students - in 2023 we had around 50 students join for two weeks of door knocking, speaking to residents and better understanding the role of a Member of Parliament.
Public Transport & Services
- Strongly opposes Mayor Sadiq Khan's expansion of the Ultra-Low Emission Zone to Harrow, which will cost drivers over £4,500 each year to leave their driveways and go to work, do the weekly shop or visit GP and hospital appointments.
- Continues to press Mayor Sadiq Khan to provide more car parking and a lift at Stanmore Station and campaigned against Transport for London (TfL) proposals to build tower blocks on the car parks at Stanmore and Canons Park Stations.
- Supporting residents in opposing the disgraceful plans to build a cluster of 29 high-rises on the Edgware Broadwalk and Town Centre sites, many over 20-storeys, which will destroy the local high street and cause construction chaos for over 10 years!
- Opposed the ridiculous Low Traffic Neighbourhoods (LTNs) that a previous Labour-run Harrow Council implemented throughout Harrow, blocking emergency vehicles and angering drivers against residents' wishes.
Health & Environment
- Secure £22.6 million for a new Ward at Northwick Park Hospital.
- Instrumental in ensuring that the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital in Stanmore received the go ahead for their long promised redevelopment.
- Assisting Northwick Park Hospital to obtain the required funds to improve the hospital and safeguard the A&E Department.
- Raised the concerns of local GP services, including Belmont Medical Centre and Kenmore Medical Centre.
Speaking Up for all
- Harrow has a diverse population and Bob is well known by all communities and welcomes the opportunity of celebrating all local festivities; he is extremely well-known amongst the local Asian communities and is known as Bobubhai by local residents. He assisted the Swaminarayan Temple in Neasden for many years and is a regular visitor to the Wood Lane and Kenton, Queensbury and Kum Kum temples.
- Intervened to ensure refugees fleeing Afghanistan, Ukraine and the Sudan crises get to the UK, including displaced children and constituents.
- Attended all of the synagogues in Harrow East and is a strong supporter of the local Jewish population and the State of Israel. Bob has spoken up in the House of Commons supporting Israel.
- Visited the Harrow Central Mosque regularly and has given support to the Mosque when threatened by fascist demonstrators. Bob has also visited the Wood Lane Islamic Centre as well as supporting the Sri Lankan Mosque in Wealdstone.
- Visited most of the churches in Harrow East to join festivals of worship.
- Supported the Jain community in a variety of functions, including raising awareness during the recent UK Census.
Safe & Secure Neighbourhoods
- Campaigning in favour of more police on the streets as experienced police are transferred to Central London and fought locally to ensure that the new Safer Neighbourhood police teams were brought up to strength quickly.
- Worked closely with Harrow Council and the police to take effective actions that address residents' safety concerns with dangerous speeding in Harrow, including in Edgware at Mollison Way.
- Highlighted the influx of catalytic converter thefts in Harrow and worked with police to clamp down on criminals, reduce the frequency of thefts and ensure residents are protected.
High Streets & Businesses
- Worked with the Conservative-run Harrow Council to introduce 1 hour free parking across Harrow.
- Secure £millions in Government funding that will be invested in Harrow Town Centre.
- Helped the campaign against the closure of Post Offices locally which were forced through by the previous Labour Government.
- Opposed the high-density multi-storey developments being foisted upon Harrow as a result of Labour Government diktat.
- Well known for his campaign to ensure that Harrow residents would not shoulder an unfair burden on the funding of the London Olympics in 2012.
- Avid advocate of low tax policies and opposes increases in Council Tax; he is keen to ensure that pensioners and others on fixed incomes are given substantial rebates from the Council Tax.